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Established in 1947, the South Carolina Council of Teachers of English is the state affiliate for the NCTE. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and enhancing English language arts instruction in the state of South Carolina. Members include preservice, current, and retired classroom teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and support personnel at all levels — kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, and college.

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Click the image for a conference program. 

The South Carolina Council of Teachers of English (SCCTE) is excited to return to Kiawah Island for the 2025 SCCTE conference for the 2025 SCCTE conference: "Gather Together, Grow Together."  As educators ourselves, we know that it takes collaboration, research, and innovation to support our students and to develop our craft. Our conference theme hopes to bring you inspiration as well as challenge, support as well as advocacy, and instruction as well as discussion.

Our focus on growth is about embracing sustainable change for ourselves, our profession, and our students. The goal is about giving us the space, time, and nurturing needed to help us grow each day. Our SCCTE executive board members have been working diligently to gather outstanding keynote speakers, select your session proposals, and secure exhibitors; visit our conference page above for more details. We look forward to collaborating, learning, and celebrating with you at Kiawah Island West Conference Center on January 31-February 1, 2025!   

**New this year: In partnership with The SCEA's Center for Educator Wellness and Learning (CEWL), we're offering a pre-conference workshop. Enhance your experience by reimagining and ReHUMANizing School. 

New #SCCTEReads book studies

Want a great way to prepare for the #SCCTE2025 conference? Join our board members in a book club, studying and discussing our keynote texts. The January #SCCTEReads book study focuses on Junious "Jay" Ward's collection Composition (2023). Our president-elect Melissa Tucker will host this book study; SCCTE members who register receive guided reading and discussion questions and access to Zoom discussions that not only explore this beautiful poetry but also tie in the inclusive and engaging strategies from our two fall book studies. Use this link to register for the book study and secure your copy today from Button Poetry. Be sure to use the code FREEUSPS for free shipping!

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Join our SCCTE Classroom Collaborations group on Facebook to share ideas, find resources, and collaborate on skills to better support ELA instruction for all South Carolina students!

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2019 Kent D. Williamson affiliate award

© 2023 South Carolina Council of Teachers of English. All rights reserved.  

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